Dr. Vidyadhar Bapat

+91 98504 15170 . Pune . India

Positive-transformation Peace and Bliss Stress Free Mind Neuron Emotions Your mind needs your care Care For Child Feel Better

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तरुणाई आणि मनावरचा ताबा

काळीज हादरून जावं अशा दुर्दैवी घटना सध्या काही तरुणांकडून घडत आहेत. अशी लांच्छनास्पद कृत्यं हातून घडण्यामागे संशोधनानुसार, मुख्यत: पुढील कारणं असू शकतात. तीव्र स्वरूपाचा व्यक्तिमत्त्व दोषाचा आजार (personality disorders), धोकादायक, dangerously anti social child, वेळेवर उपचार न घेतलेला मानसिक आजार ई.

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Dr. Vidyadhar Bapat
  • Psychotherapist & Counselor (U.K.)
  • Doctorate in Psychology (PhD, UK)
  • Doctor of Medicine, MD (A.M.)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (U.K.)
  • Stress and Anxiety Therapies (Ph.D.)
  • Child Psychologist (U.K.)
  • Masters degree in Psychology
  • Advance Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counseling
  • Homeopath (Dip. H.U.K.)
  • Professional Relaxation Therapist (U.K.)
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist (USA)
  • Naturopath (DN)
  • MBA in mental health

Dr. Vidyadhar Bapat

Sessions are designed to bring patients the best in proven therapies, including modern, traditional and complementary/alternative treatments. He particularly adepts at assisting patients challenged by acute stress, anxiety neurosis and mental disorders and other medical conditions, as attempt to reduce symptoms, enhance the ability to control pain and anxiety, and improve quality of life. Besides, He has discovered unique vision and expertise in Life coaching and Personality Development.

D 2, Dhanaraj Apartments, Apte Road,
Pune 411004, India
Phone +91 9850415170

Not only cure but Positive Transformation from within is important and is possible.

Treatment for


Programme for

The emotional well-being of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

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Along with proper medication psychotherapy plays a miraculous role in cure and positive transformation. It reaches unto the root of problem and help to resolve it.

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Corporate Stress

Knowing the importance of stress management and relaxation is key. Being able to maintain your stress level not only will improve the quality of your work, but also will improve the quality of your life.

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Stress free mind plays a vital role in recovery and rehabilitation of any physical illness.

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Relaxation techniques, here, not only make you feel relaxed but help you to be in the present moment, to be here & now, to reach to your true self, open doors into the regime of peace and wisdom.

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Life coaching &
Personality development

Stress free personality, Self confidence, Positive self esteem, Positive attitude, positive thinking, Decision making skills, Excellent Communication skills, developing good concentration & focusing, public speaking skills, presentation skills etc. Everything is possible for everyone.

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